Monday, November 21, 2011

2011 fewer subsidies for coal assumed to be

Monday, 7 November 2011
The federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in 2011
is less need to raise subsidies for coal mining in Germany, expiring
in 2011 than originally anticipated.
In the current year would probably be around 500 million euros in aid
not used, said the President of the General Association of coal, Bernd
Tönjes, on Monday in Essen. The reason for this is due to increased
world market prices for coal. The subsidized coal mining in Germany,
which is bundled under the umbrella of the RAG Group is to expire
2018th The aid must be under an agreement between the EU Commission
and the Federal Government to go back down gradually.
The RAG is concerned, according to Tönnies now with how they may
participate in the planned energy systems in Germany. Their stockpiles
would provide about a "whole range" of possible applications for
renewable energy - from the erection of wind turbines to pump storage
power plants in abandoned coal mines. This can help to save
electricity from alternative energy sources. Without opportunities for
energy storage are the energy goals of the federal government not to